Miss Mary Ann Savage to Susan Savage Her Guardian

Miss Mary Ann Savage to Susan Savage her Guardian

Spelling remains the same. Do is the appreviation for Ditto. Missrs is the appreviation for Misters.



To keeping several expenxive Negroes this year as valued by Missers Savage Bowdoin & Eyre


To Do sheriff taxes on Land year 1812 $18.31.1/4
To cash paid for dressing drawers


To amount of annuity under the will of Wm B. Savage decd $666.66.2/3
Amount brought foward


July 23th 1813


To amount of cash &c fyrnished to you as pr you own account tereof




To Cash tewnty one dollars


Balance due orphan if all collected



$1478.74 3/4
Cr 1812


By hire of Robin $40 Levin $40 Old Jacob $20 Tamar $15 Fanny $15 & Old Lucy $14 Old Adah


& Robt for victuals & clotes as valued by Missrs Savage Bowdoin & Eyre


By Do of John Evans


By Do Geo. Luke


By Do Capt. Dunton


By rent of Cherry Grove as settled by Missrs Savage Bowdooin & Eyre


By Lans pf T. simpkins & Taylor for rent of Hill Fields 1812


By Jas Parker's Land for land rent


By one half of the price of Schooner Wm & Mary sold


By one half of the Ballce from concern of Wm Bain & Co.


By hire of Grace in Baltimore


By Jno Dunton's bond hire of Laban


By cash for Old Esther's hire 1812


By Natl Widgeon's bond hire of Harry $66.66 2/3
By cash hire of Jacob 1812


Abdell's hire of Cyndia


By James Parker's bond hire of Leah


By Nathl Freshwater's bon for Mary


By John Kendall's bond for fishery


By so much released by guardian out of allowance or charge for keeping expensive Negroes





$1478.74 3/4

At a court held for Northampton County October the 11th 1813: these account of the profits of the estate of Mary Ann Savage being inspected by the court were ordered to be recorded.

Walczyk, Gail M.  Northampton County Orphans Accounts 1785-1713. Coram NY: Petersrow, p 205.

© Copyright 2006-2010 by Gail M. Walczyk