The Orphans of Abel Nottingham - Transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk

Hannah Nottingham Orphan of Abel Nottingham decd
To Elizabeth Nottingham

Dr 1791 
To board clothing & Schooling from 
April 1790 to Septr 1791 @ 10/. pr mo £09.00.0

Betsy Nottingham
Dr 1791 
To board clothing & Schooling from 
April 1790 to Septr 1791 @ 10/. pr mo £09.00.0

David Nottingham

Dr 1791 
To board clothing & Schooling from 
April 1790 to Septr 1791 @ 10/. pr mo £10.06.0

Sally Nottingham
Dr 1791 
To board & clothing from 
April 1790 to Septr 1791 @ 10/. pr mo £09.00.0
Cr 1790 
By 2/3 of the plantation & Negroe boy Undivided 06.13.4
By Do .. . . . . . . .Do 06.13.4

Accomack County Whereas it is represented to us that Elizabeth Nottingham, Widow, and Administratrix of Abel Nottingham did give notice sometime about the first of January last that the two thirds of the Plantation and the two thirds of a negro boy Joe, would be Let or rented for this present year, and that no person came to Rent the aforesaid property and that the Said Elizabeth Nottingham was advised to call two or three of her Neighbours to set a value on the sd land & boy, and at the request of said Elizabeth we being Neighbours & well Aquainted with plantation & boy, do say that we believe that the two thirds of them are of the Value of Six pounds thirteen shilling & four pence & no more.
That is counting the Plantation on the two thirds . . . . 05.00.0 And the two thirds the boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .01.13.4 Total £06.13.4
September 24th 1791
Richard Savage, Joshua Wyatt, Archibald Garrison
September Court 1791 Elizabeth Nottingham made oath to the above accounts, which are ordered to be recorded.

Walczyk, Gail M. Accomack County Orphans Accounts 1787-1793 . Coram NY: Peter's Row, p. 75.

© Copyright 2009-2010 by Gail M. Walczyk