Estate of George H. Ewell

The Estate of George H. Ewell in acct with his Executor

Spelling remains the same. Solo is the abbreviation for Solomon. Do is the abrivation for ditto.

To paid for coffin & funeral Expences 00.07.6
To paid Appraisers 7/6. Cryer 2/6 00.10.0
pd Solo Parker's a/c  2/ John Kilman's 25/10 1/2 01.07.10 1/2
Wm Thorns do 2/6. Jno Parker's do 3/9 00.06.3
Years Taxes 3 Clks fee 10/7 1/2 03.10.7 1/2
Henry Fletcher's a/c 69/2. Southey Taylor's do 5/6. 03.14.6
Mark Ewell's do 123/6. Solo Ewell 45/ 02.15.6
Geo. Ewell for Slaves etc 00.16.10
Solomon Ewell his legacy 1 bed 02.10.0
Allowed the Executor for his Trouble 05.00.0
Ballance Remaining n Executors hands 03.02.6
By account of sales 20.17.9
By Sundry Legacies amt of 10.15.0

We the subscribers have Credited and Settled the above Estate pursuant to the order of Court for that purpose
Sept 25th 1796                                             Charles Stockley
                                                                      William Thornton

Exam Teste                                                  Littleton Savage Clk

Returned into Court September 26th 1796 and Ordered to be recorded.

_____. Accomack County Wills &c 1796-1798:18, 19.

© Copyright Gail M. Walczyk 2006. Used by permission.

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