son of E.C. & Linie J. Scott
Born May 27, 1888
Died Nov. 15, 1896

Scott Marker
Eliza J. Scott
1848 - 1914

Florine A. Scott
1876 - 1907

Edward C. Scott
1848 - 1926

In memory of
Elizabeth M. Scott
Born Oct. 19th, 1822
Died Aug. 19th, 1906
A tender mother and a faithful frind
(note:the word "friend" is misspelled on the stone)

Esther F.
wife of W.M. Scott
June 30, 1838
July 11, 1924

In memory of our beloved father
George W. Scott
Born Dec. 9, 1860
Died March 22, 1904
